Mandy Jorgens 2020-21 Intern
When I first started the internship in the fall, I was not at all confident in my leadership abilities. I was leading women through the Betrayal and Beyond curriculum not because I believed in myself but because Angela believed in me. She said I had what was needed because I went through my own journey from betrayal. I knew the statistics about men and women in churches that struggle with sexual and relational brokenness and I hoped that I could be part of their healing journey.
I decided to do the internship to help gain confidence and to learn how to start a ministry. I wanted a “how to” guide that told me the “right” way to do so successfully, and I wanted to learn all the things. Instead, I have learned that there is not always a right and wrong way. I need daily to be in God’s Word and listen for his guidance. I need a community of fellow believers and a God given passion to help others. I have grown so much in my walk with God and others these past six months. I’ve always known he was trustworthy, and now I’m learning just exactly what that looks like. I’ve become confident, because of what Christ has done for me, to speak into others’ lives. I’ve learned that I can do hard things again because of Christ. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! (Philippians 4:13) Five years ago when I first started my journey as a betrayed wife who thought my marriage was over, I never dreamed that I would be here doing an internship, saying yes to writing for newsletters, public speaking, teaching classes, and leading support groups. He will give you more than you can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). The internship has been so good and so hard, and I would say yes to it again in a heartbeat! It’s another valuable layer in my individual and married healing journey. |